recent news

2020, January

Austin (and Colin) will be attending the GROUP 2020 conference, and presenting their Design Fiction entitled, “Autono-preneurial Agents in the Community: Developing a Socially Aware API for Autonomous Entrepreneurial Lawn Mowers.” We coined “autono-preneurial agents,” so make sure you come ask us about that! (link to follow once it’s available)

2019, November

Ahreum and Austin attended CSCW 2019 from November 9th through November 13th! We presented a poster (Algorithmically-Generated Communities: A Case Study) and a paper (Infrastructure vs. Community: Co-spaces Confront Digital Nomads’ Paradoxical Needs).

We have written up the results of a pilot study we conducted where we created a “social robot experience.” It failed! Read about how all our cookies were stolen here:

Older events took place before we had a news page!

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